New Hit Songs "SuperBad" and "Drug City" is New Pop-FUNK Sound.
New Hit Songs "SuperBad" and "Drug City" is a New Pop-FUNK Sound.
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Every woman in the world thinks that she is "SuperBad" or knows that she is "SuperBad".
Every man in the world thinks he can pull the Finest Chick, Stunner, Knockout, or Baddest Babe, etc..
"SuperBad" and "Drug City" New-FUNK Music travels from New, Jimi Hendrix, Every Man, George Clinton, Sly, Every Woman, Knockout, to Futuristic Music of the future.
This video features the Most Beautiful Woman in the world and the Most Handsome Man in the world...Do You Agree?
If you like this video please SUBSCRIBE (Smile).
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